Hello Pedro, and welcome to Milan Weekly! Would you love to tell us the very first beginning of your career?

Hi, actually my story began when I was a kid, my father was a photographer and he gave me his cameras to play with instead of toys so my childhood was not similar to other kids and I started to learn photography when I was 6-7.

Can you tell us about your first artwork?

I did my first artwork when I was 19 for a famous singer and I created a video and cover photo for him, it was an exciting experience for a first job.

How did your work evolve in time?

With each lesson you get in life your soul and your feelings start to grow and get new shapes which cause the changes in your artwork, it is the same for me and I have different artworks in different stages of my life

Are there some other artists that you would love to work with?

Absolutely, Steven Klein is one of the artists that I would like to meet in person and work with.

Have you ever been to Milan?

Unfortunately no but I would like to visit that beautiful city

A personal question, what is the city you love the most?

New York City, it is my last destination in this journey to live in.

Love or fame?

100% fame, fame, and love are the same things actually, but fame is so much bigger and stronger than love.

What is your relationship with fashion and what is your favorite style?

I love vintage styles, and low-quality cameras because I believe that quality will cover the soul of art and its pureness

What is your signature in your artwork?

My signature is the colors I use in my art, I have 3 main colors, white, black, and red and you can see all those colors in my artwork.

Thank you, Pedro! It has been a pleasure to get to know you and your art better.

Thank you. My pleasure.

Photographer: Pedro




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