★★★★★★★☆☆☆ (7/10)

"Blink Twice," directed by Zoë Kravitz, is a film that keeps you fully immersed from beginning to end. The story is engaging and moves at a brisk pace, ensuring that your attention never wavers. There's always something happening on screen, which makes the film a dynamic experience that holds your interest throughout.

One of the film's standout features is its impressive cast. It is a joy to watch such talented actors bring their characters to life, with Geena Davis's return to the big screen being a particular highlight. Her performance is both powerful and nuanced, reminding audiences of her exceptional talent and adding depth to the story. The entire ensemble works wonderfully together, each contributing to the film's overall impact.

"Blink Twice" also shines in its portrayal of female solidarity. The story celebrates the power of women coming together and what they can accomplish when they support one another. This theme of cooperation and unity is not just an underlying message but a central element of the narrative, making the film feel both relevant and inspiring.

However, there are a few aspects of "Blink Twice" that could have been improved. The ending, for instance, feels a bit rushed. After such a well-paced build-up, the final moments seem to arrive too quickly, leaving the audience craving a more fleshed-out conclusion. Additionally, while the film’s use of shock elements can create tension, at times it feels overdone. This reliance on startling moments can make the story appear less profound than it truly is, overshadowing its more meaningful aspects.

Another point worth mentioning is that it would have been wonderful to see Zoë Kravitz herself as part of the ensemble. Given her talents both behind and in front of the camera, her inclusion could have added another layer of depth to an already strong cast.

Despite these minor critiques, "Blink Twice" is a film that effectively showcases the strength of women working together. It is an engaging and memorable movie, and Zoë Kravitz proves herself a capable director. It will be exciting to see what she creates next.

"Blink Twice" movie poster © 2024 Amazon MGM Studios. Used here for review purposes only. All rights reserved.

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