Present your work
Get your chance to be featured on Milan Weekly Magazine.
Submission guidelines
Image Requirements
1-20 images
JPG format
sRGB Color profile
Allowed sizes:
Vertical: 2550 × 3300 px (300 dpi)
Horizontal: 5100 × 3300 px (300 dpi)
Cover photo: 1790 × 1860 px (300 dpi)
- All images have to be final retouched and have the copyright holder to them, or have permission from the copyright holder to submit them.
- You can include all the credits and Instagram usernames of the team. All the submissions will be reviewed.
- We reserve the right to crop your photos and change their size, just when necessary. The submission can be assigned to the issue where it fits the most.
#milanweekly @milanweekly
Not just fashion.
We love to highlight every form of art. If you have incredible artwork and you are willing to present it to the world, we will dedicate some of our pages to you. Be creative, be meaningful, be yourself!