Trends and Styles

The Milan Weekly Style Section embraces fashion alongside a broader perspective that includes lifestyle. It evokes a way of living intertwined with culture and trends, extending far beyond clothing. “Style” will take you on a journey through entertainment events and social gatherings, explored and curated through the eye and lens of the section’s editorial director, Raimondo Rossi, as well as selected contributions from others.

Timeless Emotions

About the Lead Style Editor. Raimondo Rossi, also known as Ray Morrison, is an expert in photography and men’s style, internationally recognized in the field of entertainment and everything that bridges fashion and photography. His extensive experience reporting for London magazines at major fashion weeks, such as Milan’s, has shaped a solid and respected expertise, earning admiration from industry professionals. Rolling Stone has hailed him as one of the most original voices in the field, and his photos have been consistently chosen among the best worldwide on the homepage of Vogue Photography for several weeks. Here, he shares events, behind-the-scenes moments often inaccessible to the general public, and offers insights into countless details in his narratives and works, always highlighting an inner elegance that transcends the outer. Through his storytelling, he unveils the connection between fashion, emotions, photography, and art.


Explore the journey of Raffaele, a gifted young man in modeling and acting, featured in an inspiring interview with Sir-K Magazine, Milan. Beginning his fashion career at 16, he talks about the impact of fashion on youth identity and personal growth. Speaking to Editor-in-Chief Dr. Kris Hagan, Raffaele reflects on his challenges, passions, and aspirations, encouraging peers to relentlessly pursue their dreams. His story, a blend of ambition and creativity, is a compelling read for those interested in the dynamics of fashion and self-expression. Discover more about Raffaele's path in the world of fashion and beyond in Sir-K Magazine.

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Glamour and Excellence at HAPAWARDS 2023: A Night to Remember in Los Angeles

The seventh annual HAPAWARDS, or the Hollywood African Prestigious Awards, shone brilliantly in Glendale, California, at the renowned Alek Theater. From a refreshment area to the elegant Red Carpet entrance overseen by the graceful Priscilla Valldejuli, attendees and winners were greeted with warmth and glamour, providing ample opportunities for interviews and photographs amid the bustling presence of media outlets. Inside the theater, amidst a vibrant ambiance, a diverse array of award winners were celebrated, including both established stars and emerging talents. Stay tuned for the complete list of 2023 winners as we follow the @hapawards.

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Red Carpet Veronica Fedolfi in Millyblu

Nella magica atmosfera del Festival di Venezia 80, tra luci scintillanti e stelle dello schermo, spicca la presenza di Veronica Fedolfi. L'influencer di fama internazionale ha scelto di indossare un abito Millyblu, creato su misura per lei dalla start-up italiana, per la serata del Red Carpet. Questo capo straordinario incarna l'originalità, la sensualità e la raffinatezza, con una linea a sirena, uno strascico in tulle e una profonda scollatura a V. La leggerezza dell'abito svela un minidress sottostante, conferendo un tocco sexy all'intero ensemble. Veronica Fedolfi ha trasformato l'arte in moda, portando sulla passerella una creazione fresca ed elegante, rappresentando al meglio il connubio tra arte e moda proposto dal marchio Millyblu. Un inno all'artigianato italiano e alla creatività femminile, l'abito di Veronica è un trionfo di stile e originalità nel cuore del Festival del Cinema di Venezia.

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