Trends and Styles

The Milan Weekly Style Section embraces fashion alongside a broader perspective that includes lifestyle. It evokes a way of living intertwined with culture and trends, extending far beyond clothing. “Style” will take you on a journey through entertainment events and social gatherings, explored and curated through the eye and lens of the section’s editorial director, Raimondo Rossi, as well as selected contributions from others.

Timeless Emotions

About the Lead Style Editor. Raimondo Rossi, also known as Ray Morrison, is an expert in photography and men’s style, internationally recognized in the field of entertainment and everything that bridges fashion and photography. His extensive experience reporting for London magazines at major fashion weeks, such as Milan’s, has shaped a solid and respected expertise, earning admiration from industry professionals. Rolling Stone has hailed him as one of the most original voices in the field, and his photos have been consistently chosen among the best worldwide on the homepage of Vogue Photography for several weeks. Here, he shares events, behind-the-scenes moments often inaccessible to the general public, and offers insights into countless details in his narratives and works, always highlighting an inner elegance that transcends the outer. Through his storytelling, he unveils the connection between fashion, emotions, photography, and art.

Fashion, Designers, Fashion Shows, Art Raimondo Rossi Fashion, Designers, Fashion Shows, Art Raimondo Rossi

For The Stars Fashion House Shines at 'The Los Angeles Fashion Show' 2023

Jacob Meir decided to present many masterpieces of his work over the years in Los Angeles, in this September 2023, during the week of 'The Los Angeles Fashion Show', an organisation curated by Mister Shawn of SAS MOVIE Studios, which welcomed professionals and guests to the magnificent location in Culver City.

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Red Carpet Veronica Fedolfi in Millyblu

Nella magica atmosfera del Festival di Venezia 80, tra luci scintillanti e stelle dello schermo, spicca la presenza di Veronica Fedolfi. L'influencer di fama internazionale ha scelto di indossare un abito Millyblu, creato su misura per lei dalla start-up italiana, per la serata del Red Carpet. Questo capo straordinario incarna l'originalità, la sensualità e la raffinatezza, con una linea a sirena, uno strascico in tulle e una profonda scollatura a V. La leggerezza dell'abito svela un minidress sottostante, conferendo un tocco sexy all'intero ensemble. Veronica Fedolfi ha trasformato l'arte in moda, portando sulla passerella una creazione fresca ed elegante, rappresentando al meglio il connubio tra arte e moda proposto dal marchio Millyblu. Un inno all'artigianato italiano e alla creatività femminile, l'abito di Veronica è un trionfo di stile e originalità nel cuore del Festival del Cinema di Venezia.

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Wanderlust and Style: The Extraordinary Journey of Murphy Osayande

In a world that values stability, Murphy Osayande stands out as a free-spirited nomad on an extraordinary journey of self-discovery and style. Embracing change as a necessity for personal growth, he finds solace in constantly exploring new cities, immersing himself in their cultures, and unearthing unique connections that fuel his soul. From the vibrant streets of Los Angeles to the artistic haven of Berlin, each destination becomes a canvas for his wanderlust. Recognized for his impeccable sense of style, Murphy graces the pages of prestigious publications like Vogue and GQ. Invitations to exclusive fashion events, including Paris Fashion Week and the Red Carpet in Florence, are a testament to his magnetic aura in the fashion world. Murphy Osayande's journey inspires us all to embrace change, self-discovery, and the limitless beauty of the world around us.

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Embrace the Summer Breeze: Essential Style Tips for Men in 2023

As the summer heat approaches, it's time for men to elevate their style game with these essential tips for 2023. Embrace the lightweight comfort of fabrics like linen and cotton, and experiment with vibrant colors and playful patterns to exude a fresh and trendy vibe. Embrace a more casual approach with tailored shorts, relaxed shirts, and stylish accessories that add a touch of personality. With these style tips, you'll be ready to rock the summer season with confidence and flair.

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Fashion, Swimwear, Summer Riccardo Rossi Fashion, Swimwear, Summer Riccardo Rossi

Dive into Summer with Stunning Swimwear Fashion

As the temperatures rise and the days grow longer, it's time to hit the beach or lounge by the pool in style. Swimwear fashion is an exciting and ever-evolving realm, where designers showcase their creativity, innovation, and attention to detail. From classic cuts to bold designs, swimwear offers endless possibilities for expressing your personal style while enjoying the sun and water. Dive into the world of swimwear fashion and discover the trends that will make a splash this season.

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Culture, Rome, Events Raimondo Rossi Culture, Rome, Events Raimondo Rossi

Roma Pride 2023: Un'affermazione di libertà e inclusione

Il Roma Pride di ieri è stato un'esperienza indimenticabile, una dimostrazione di forza, coraggio e determinazione da parte della comunità LGBTQ+ e dei suoi alleati. La giornata ha dimostrato che la lotta per l'uguaglianza e l'accettazione non si ferma, ma continua a essere una priorità. Il Roma Pride 2023 ha celebrato la diversità come un valore fondamentale della nostra società e ha inviato un messaggio di speranza a tutti coloro che si battono per un mondo in cui ogni individuo possa essere se stesso senza paura né discriminazioni.

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Culture, Lifestyle, Travel, Italy Raffaele Tommaso Rossi Culture, Lifestyle, Travel, Italy Raffaele Tommaso Rossi

Experiencing Italian Luxury: Discover the Enchanting Favola Umbra Villas

Italy is known for its breathtaking landscapes, rich history, and exquisite cuisine. Nestled amidst the picturesque beauty of this charming country lies a hidden gem: Favola Umbra Villas. Offering a combination of luxury, comfort, and a touch of magic, these villas provide an unparalleled experience for travelers seeking an unforgettable Italian getaway. Let's embark on a journey to discover the enchantment that awaits at Favola Umbra.

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Fashion, Summer Riccardo Rossi Fashion, Summer Riccardo Rossi

Summer Style Soars: Embracing the Hottest Fashion Trends of 2023

As the sun starts to shine brighter and the temperature rises, it's time to embrace the sizzling summer fashion trends of 2023. This season, fashion enthusiasts are in for a treat as designers bring forth a delightful array of styles that perfectly capture the essence of summer. From breezy fabrics and vibrant colors to playful prints and chic accessories, the trends of 2023 are all about embracing the joy and vibrancy of the sunny season. Let's explore the hottest fashion trends that will dominate the summer of 2023.

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Fashion, Style, Prada Chiara Sperabene Fashion, Style, Prada Chiara Sperabene

Prada: L'audace eleganza della nuova collezione che definisce lo stile contemporaneo

Prada, il rinomato marchio italiano di moda, ha una volta di più stupito il mondo con la sua nuova collezione, rappresentando un'audace fusione tra eleganza classica e uno spirito avanguardista. Questa ultima creazione della maison milanese si distingue per la sua capacità di definire lo stile contemporaneo con un tocco di originalità.

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Style, Men's Style, Fashion Alptekin Top Style, Men's Style, Fashion Alptekin Top

Pitti Uomo: The Epitome of Men's Fashion and Style

In the world of men's fashion, one event stands above the rest as the ultimate showcase of sartorial excellence and cutting-edge style. Pitti Uomo, the renowned trade fair held biannually in Florence, Italy, has become the quintessential gathering for the global fashion community. With its rich history, unparalleled atmosphere, and unwavering commitment to showcasing the best in menswear, Pitti Uomo has established itself as an iconic institution in the industry.

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Style, Fashion Laila Rossi Style, Fashion Laila Rossi

Essere Stylish: L'Arte di Esprimere la Propria Personalità Attraverso lo Stile

L'eleganza e lo stile non sono solo una questione di abiti costosi o di seguire ciecamente le tendenze del momento. Essere stylish è molto più profondo: si tratta di esprimere la propria personalità, la creatività e il buon gusto attraverso ciò che indossiamo. Ecco alcuni consigli su come sviluppare il proprio stile personale e diventare davvero stylish.

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Gucci: La Nuova Collezione che Rivoluziona la Moda

Gucci, il rinomato marchio italiano di moda di lusso, ha presentato la sua nuova collezione, portando con sé un'esplosione di stile, innovazione e audacia. Questa nuova proposta di moda ha catturato l'attenzione di esperti di moda, appassionati e celebrità di tutto il mondo, consolidando ancora una volta la posizione di Gucci come leader indiscusso nell'industria della moda.

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Art, Celebrities Raimondo Rossi Art, Celebrities Raimondo Rossi


Today we talk about a very special and exclusive event that took place yesterday in West Hollywood on Melrose Avenue. It was the opening, reserved for a few invited guests, of Sharon Stone's first solo exhibition as a painter. The event was held at the Allouche Gallery, and we were welcomed in an elegant hall where cocktails and welcome drinks were served.

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